WSU Alumni Magazine

I was so honored to have my artwork on the cover of WSU Alumni Magazine and to be chosen as the Artist Alumni in the write-up. Wow there are some very impressive alumni that were interviewed, I was in very good company. You can read my interview in the spread below. As you can see I had an amazing college experience and felt like I was really lucky to be a part of the art program at WSU. The professors are absolutely passionate and amazing. The facilities and gallery are fantastic and of course my study abroad in Venice was a life-changer. Someone tell WSUs to get a graduate program so that I can go back to school already 🙂  Also I guess my image has been around Ogden on billboards and on some campus posters also, so give me a wink if you happen to see my weird face anywhere ..



My Latest Babies

My Lasso the Moon was such a joy to create. It was a piece that didn’t fight me at all, it just felt like it manifested in front of me. I stared at it for hours before taking it to the gallery, which was good because it sold pretty quickly before I could see her displayed. Another special thing happened because of this piece, a singer/songwriter wrote a beautiful song inspired by this painting that is an absolute treasure to me. I’ll just hint at that here until I can post the song in all its glory. I’m pretty excited about it..


Another Buffalo piece!  I just can’t seem to paint enough of these stormy skyscapes with the constellation maps and the bison. This is The Sound of Thunder No 3 


Detail shot of this little lady roping the moon to guide her home


I’m in love with this commission piece that I created for some clients in San Fransisco its called Thunder Lullaby

Thunder Lullaby *detail // Look at this sweet guy. It was hard to say goodbye to him.

The Cotton Candy Machine at FICE

Look who I got to see in Salt Lake City! The beautiful, talented and world famous Tara McPherson. I fell in love with these two prints and had to add them to my collection. The Crystal Waterfall print on the left was on the cover of High Fructose Magazine in January (w-o-w). The piece on the right is entitled A Tiny Universe Created in Every Tear Drop – gah I really gravitated to that and had to have it. Tara and my buddy Sean have the most beautiful little family. It was fun to catch up with such cool people and see their darling little boys.



Also can we take a second to appreciate one of the gems of Salt Lake City.. FICE is a pretty rad boutique and art gallery down town where I’ve been to several gallery strolls and has this gorgeous mural by El Mac. This is Lilah and I a few weeks ago appreciating the awesomeness.

When Something Cuts to the Core

Paper Moon Happenings

Eye of the Storm // This little lady and her fawns are catching stars. Mixed Media, handmade & painted papers and vintage constellation maps

Ursa Major III // Inspired by the Ursa Major constellation. Mixed Media using hand painted papers and vintage constellation maps

Beautiful Historic Main Street in Park City, I love driving out here to drop work off at the Gallery.