RAW Artist Event

I was invited to participate in the Spectrum Event for RAW natural born artist in SLC last week. This international organization combines Visual Arts, Fashion, Music, Dance, Film, Performance Art, and Photography for a truly unique event with live performances and artwork. I love the idea of bring different forms of artistry together like this, it provides an awesome creative atmosphere that was great to be a part of. I have really only done gallery work before so I liked having this new experience.

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This sweet/tired man came straight from the airport from a business trip to assist me with with my work. Doesn’t he look thrilled?


We had a great night. I only wish we would have snapped some more photos of more visitors, performers and other artists! I spent half the night trying to figure out how to make my new card swiper work..I’m slow like that. I am happy that my Mister was able to get these though. Thank you, Sir. And Thank you so much to those of you came out .

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Process shots of my new pieces.wish maker


Mixed Media on Wood


Process in my new Studio

I am loving my new space! This is the first piece that I have worked on in my new studio. It is still a work in progress…but there is so much natural light, no carpet, and plenty of room to make a nice big mess…I have a good feeling about this place. Here is a peek of me painting away…







I loved creating this piece. It is the first that have worked on from start to finish in my new studio. I used acrylic paints on a Masonite or wood surface with other collage elements. This painting is based off of the Ursa Major (the mama bear constellation) and I actually used vintage constellation maps in the bottom third of this piece. There are also large paper stars that have been collaged in and painted over, they can be seen if you look closely. 


Ursa Major // Heart Full of Stars
Mixed Media, Papers and Constellation Maps



This piece was in the Submerged in Art show at the SLC photo collective March 2014. Sometimes there are definitely those “special” pieces that you find yourself having a strange attachment to… This painting has been sold and it was little hard to say goodbye. But I know she is in a wonderful home.




Submerged in Art Show



I was thrilled to be invited to participate in the Submerged in Art here in Salt Lake City Last March, which is a charity art event for the Road Home homeless shelter. I was a part of the “Notable Locals” section.  I had never shown at the SLC Photo Collective before and was super impressed with the space and atmosphere. Live music, food, art, and some seriously talented people, 






My Piece for the Submerged Show. Entitled Ursa Major // Heart Full of Stars. Mixed media and constellation maps on Wood.

The Salt of the Earth


I put this show together last September. It was the first group show that I had organized or curated, and was so happy with it. The thought of having an all girl show using local artists had been in my head for a while. I have always felt proud to be a girl from Salt Lake City. There are so many talented lady-artists that I have met and admired, that an exhibition highlighting some of them was something that really meant a lot to me. The work was beautiful! I wanted to buy everything for myself. I am so inspired by these creative girls.


Sunnie Payne, Andy Chase, Emily Wood, Cindy Bean, Candace Jean


I chose artists whose work is diverse but complimentary.  Many of them I have shown with before at the Blonde Grizzly. We had Andy Chase, Candace Jean, Cindy Bean, Sunnie Payne and myself showing. The mediums range from painting, collage, printmaking, and paper cutting. Looking back, the only thing I would change was to have more female artists in the show, I just barely scratched the surface of the kick-butt girl-power we have here in Salt Lake.


Andy Chase Collection




Candace Jean Collection



Cindy Bean Collection



Sunnie Payne Collection



Emily Wood Collection

The theme “The Salt of the Earth” references being a part of Salt Lake City and also suggests being part of something grounded and substantial. This exhibition of work is a celebration of the dreamers and creators from this corner of the world.






Being a part of this community of dreamers is very exciting. Is it just me, or is there an insane amount of creativity flowing out of Utah? Something in the salt water?